The need for exploration is now beyond just passion or vocation. It is also about adding value to one’s daily life. What one does, need not define who the person is.  One could be doing so much more. For those seeking minds, the crazy ones, the aspirants, we have the following:
The Content Seeker

Ever spent 15 minutes just wondering what to watch? Till a few years back, there was paucity of good content. However there has been a sudden explosion of availability of content for which one has limited time. Well, we have got you covered! Be part of our mailing and WhatsApp/SMS list and we will keep you updated on all the live theatre (Our Productions as well as other watch-worthy shows), best movies playing (OTT as well as Movie Halls) and all about the trending shows. On top of that, we will provide you information about curated events and workshops near you (conducted by us as well as others).

Integrated Theatre & Films Workshops

Operating under our sub brand, Unbolted, these workshops impart the necessary skills and knowledge to explore the world of performance and storytelling. Storytelling has different manifestations. It can be live as well as visual storytelling using visual arts and cinema. There’s online theatre workshop option also. We offer the following workshops under Unbolted:
    • Kids & Teenagers – Targeted on the Gen Z. We have theatre workshops for children  and  theatre workshops for Teenagers. We use a unique Blended and integrated format where they can keep learning to hone their skills. The blended model uses a mix of Online as well as offline sessions. Click here to know more.
    • Adults – The Theater Workshops for Adults are open for all from 18 to 80 . Besides being taught the basics of acting, the talents & thespians will be given an idea about what goes into putting up a successful theatre production. These sessions will be a mix of online and offline. The offline theatre workshops sessions will be held in our studio in Gurgaon. These sessions are also integrated i.e individual and group sessions. There are Weekend theatre Workshops as well as Weekday Theatre Workshops for adults. There are the 5  workshop offerings to choose from. Click here to know more.


How often does it happen that you have an idea but have no clue how to go about developing it? Well, we are here for you. Our repertory is the place where you can freely discuss ideas about theatre and movies. “MGR Repertory” is one of its kind in Gurgaon. Here you can discuss ideas and share stories and get help in producing entertaining, relevant and courageous work. Click here to know more.

Upskill/Transformation Workshops

These workshops, as the name suggests, are transformative in nature. The sessions will encourage you to develop a new attitude and unleash the hidden potential within you. These sessions will help you to inculcate leadership skills, enhance confidence and improve your human relationships. We will help the learners familiarize themselves with body language, personal grooming and provide a platform to express themselves, spike imagination and encourage un-structured speech.